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Mayor Marvin and Trustees Underhill and Fredericks Reelected

Photo by A. Warner

By Staff

March 22, 2023:  On March 21, 2023, Bronxville residents cast ballots in the Bronxville village election and reelected Mary Marvin as Mayor, and Bob Underhill and Bill Fredericks as Village Trustees. 

This was an uncontested election for all the candidates; nonetheless, hundreds of people turned out to vote, with Marvin garnering 348 votes, Underhill 304 votes and Fredericks 223 votes.  

Two of the many voters who turned out for the election

Some of the areas of focus for the Mayor and Trustees moving forward include continued improvements in walkability in the village, outdoor dining standards, continued improvements to combat flooding, and enforcing the village's zoning standards against "improvident encroachment by authorities in Albany." 

One area currently in discussion in Albany is Governor Hochul's housing compact.  Click here to read more about the potential ramifications of this housing compact for Bronxville.

This will be Marvin's 10th term as mayor.  

This will be Underhill's 11th term as Trustee.   


This will be Frederick's 2nd term as Trustee.  



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