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Letter to the Community: Support For Limiting Cannabis in Bronxville

To the Community:

Oct. 20, 2021: I am happy to hear the efforts regarding Cannabis. In 2019 and 2020 my husband and I had an apartment in downtown Chicago, in a somewhat hidden new build square a block from the Miracle Mile. My husband had it for business.

I came for September through the beginning of November, before the Big Freeze. In 2019 all was pleasant and lovely. We walked around the lovely square, sat on park benches in the middle of the square and watched children, dogs, life going by. Then I returned in 2020 and it was different. Wherever I went down sidewalks, in parks and even coming from the building‘s garage and into a side entrance leading to the lobby, there was the smell of skunk and it was not the smell from an animal. It is pervasive.

It sours a wonderful walk or an afternoon in a park. It is there when you enter a building. And honestly I have gotten out of my parked car on Pondfield Rd and smelled it coming from the driver sitting in the next car. I have smelled it while driving on a highway and in Bronxville.

I throw my support behind our Government and Police to limit our exposure to what is mostly Skunk Pot or any other kind of cannabis.


Uta Hershey


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