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Mary Stonesifer Bierwirth Passed Away on September 16, 2021

By the family

Oct. 6, 2021: Mary Stonesifer Bierwirth, 39, daughter of Jack and Jane Bierwirth, passed away in her sleep on September 16 from heart failure due to a previously undiagnosed condition.

She was born June 23, 1982 and lived in Brooklyn Heights for ten years before moving to Portland, Oregon with her family in 1992. In 2004 she graduated from Colby College with a Bachelor of Arts in Geology and obtained her Master of Arts in Teaching from Lewis and Clark College in 2011.

Throughout her life, Mary was an exuberant swimmer, dancer, geologist, and educator. She worked as a soil instructor at Multnomah Education Service District Outdoor School, as a middle school instructor at Sunnyside Environmental School in Portland, Oregon, and as a math teacher in Fairfax County, Virginia.

She is survived by her beloved grandmother Marion Bierwirth, brother Jack, sister-in-law Alyssia Portée, sister Emily, parents Jack and Jane, and her yellow labs, Buddy and Nova. Buddy and Nova will be moving to Bronxville to live with Jack and Jane.


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