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Have You Noticed Nighttime Workers on Roof of Bronxville Elementary School?

By Staff

Jan. 27, 2021: Have you noticed a long crane with nighttime workers on the roof of the Bronxville Elementary School?

This is a crew of workers on a late shift. You may have noticed that the Bronxville Elementary School now has a new brick wall on the side facing the playground. The nighttime workers are installing a slate roof facade that matches the other roofs of the school. There are usually about five workers, and they typically work between 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM. They are working at night so as not to disturb ongoing classes.

According to Dan Carlin, Assistant Superintendent for Business at the Bronxville School, the workers "split their time between the Elementary School and the Meadow avenue addition and other jobs not related to Bronxville at other locations."

The project is expected to be completed soon.

Photo by S. DeJoy






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